Sunday, June 23, 2013

Idaho Springs: White Water Rafting

Last weekend was my first experience white water rafting in the mountains, on Class IV rapids.  It was definitely a thrill ride and to top it off, the water temperature was 37 degrees Fahrenheit!

I had no idea that the water stayed at such low temperatures, while rafting in the mountains during the summer months.  The snow caps on the mountains melt slowly all summer and the water only has about 30 minutes to warm up, prior to hitting the base of the mountain where the rapids are located.   No wonder it's still a frigid 37 degrees!

After seeing this photograph above, I was so thankful that the boys (Duane & Ryan) took the front seat and I got to hang out in the back of the raft! And hallelujah for our wet suits, because we were drenched head-to-toe by the end of it.

I've heard that the Royal Gorge in Southern Colorado on the Arkansas river is one of the most amazing rapids to experience. It's class V: Advanced & sure to be a thrill ride.  Definitely next on our list!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sunday Mountain Picnic in Wildflowers

Summertime picnics.  One of my favorite things about summer.  There's just something to be said about relaxing on a quilt, in a secluded area, with some of your favorite snacks to enjoy, while catching up on life with family/friends.

After about a one mile hike up the mountain, we found a beautiful location for our first picnic this year. It was full of purple wildflowers & made for an excellent backdrop to admire as we relaxed together as a family.

We packed an assortment of foods, from an edamame salad, bruschetta, cookies, crackers-cheese-meat, to fresh fruit.

Duncan had a jolly o' good time, as he wondered around as we were eating, and then decided to dig a hole.  Below is him all pooped out after his big dig. 

A New Chapter.

Upon celebrating my birthday this year, I decided to make a list of things to do more frequently in this next 'chapter' of my life.  I feel like everyone makes New Year's Resolutions, that usually fall by the wayside in about one month, which I'm totally guilty of falling into that crowd.  So I decided, as of this year, no more New Year's Resolutions that are completely unattainable, but instead, I've created myself a list of goals for each "New Chapter" in my life.  

For me, this year especially, my list is comprised of 'fun activities' that will enhance my daily life.  I think this is such a fun idea & so far, I've done a pretty good job at incorporating this list into my life. 

Chapter 27 'fun things':
1. Frequently picnic during summer/fall
2. Wear more colorful clothing
3. Send more cards
4. Bake more desserts from scratch
5. Breakfast in bed at least 2x a month
6. Take a cooking class
7. Visit more breweries & vineyards
8. Play guitar
9. Volunteer more frequently

Hopefully this inspires you to do the same.  Life is too short, so why not start incorporating things you really want 'to-do' into your routine & life now?  Even if your birthday has already past, it's never too late to start!

Colorado Rockies: MLB Stadium #14

Summertime. Baseball. Hotdogs. Beer. Does it get more American than that? I look forward to baseball season every year.  One of my 'fun bucket list goals' is to visit all the MLB stadiums.  We just attended a Rockies game, which checks off Stadium #14!  I'm almost half-way there :)

Being from Ohio, makes me super excited to get back to my home state this summer & hopefully I can attend a Reds game.  If not, watching a game with my Dad in our living room, will be the next-best-thing to being there. 

Alberta Falls: Puppy in a backpack!

While my parents were visiting me in Colorado, we decided to hike Alberta Falls in Rocky Mt. National Park.  It was a stunning hike, but the biggest surprise to all of us, was that the trail was covered in snow in sections.  We had a good laugh to one another, as we were in tennis shoes and shorts, taking photographs in a snow covered trail. 

 Duncan enjoyed the view from his backpack which was strapped to the front of Duane for most of the hike.  At the end of the hike, I gazed down at Duncan, only to find him completely asleep, snoozing like a little baby, while being in the backpack. 

Bear Lake, which was completely still covered with ice.  

 Photographs from Alberta Falls.

 A few fun photographs of a May hike, in 75 degree weather, in shorts, on a snow covered trail. I guess like they say, there's a first time for everything!

Pencil Shavings Studio - Iphone cases

Awesome, girlie, chic, fun, vibrant Iphone cases from the Pencil Shavings Studio.  I'm loving their Painter's Palette Collection :)  So fun for summertime.

Mavericks Laces. Melbourne.

I stumbled across Mavericks Laces while perusing the internet for a gift for Duane since his summer birthday is on the horizon.  I rarely blog about Men's Fashion, but felt it necessary with this brand, due to it's cool branding. 

The coolest thing about their site?  They've dedicated a section to showing you different ways to tie your shoelaces.  Pretty hip if you ask me.