Friday, March 22, 2013

Beautiful Skin- Add it to your grocery list!

So yes, I'm a bit of a health nut.  Any article I can get my hands on regarding how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I'll read it.  From feeling less tired and stressed, to fighting off the common cold & illnesses, to looking younger; what you put in your mouth to fuel your body really does make a difference. 

Here's a helpful food facts sheet when it comes to maintaining that gorgeous youthful glow in your skin.  Challenge yourself this week while grocery shopping, to add 4 items below to your cart (if you already don't regularly eat it).   All the items below make for such great fresh ingredients to a bowl of cereal in the morning, to a midday snack, to an ingredient you can add to a dinner course.   

Cheers to a healthy lifestyle & making smarter choices for our skin! 

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