Monday, March 11, 2013

Inspiring message.

Religion. Just the word seems to ignite a stirring feeling into each individual, whether that be curiosity, a strong feeling of devout faith, or simply indifference. To me, wherever you are in your spiritual life, this message I heard on Sunday is very simple, powerful, & uplifting.  Whether you call ''him'' Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, God, Brahma, Vishnu, or Zeus, this message can be applied to your daily life. 

The message is, that it's not about us, it's about what he wants to do through us.    

Bad things happen to everyone.  Yes, that's right, to everyone. Death of loved ones. Divorce. Illness. Loss of a job. A broken-family. Arguments. Financial turmoil. To name a few.  Everyone will experience a handful of hard times in their lifetime, which leads us always asking the question "why me?".  

If you remember this quote, you'll be grounded & humbled to realize, that it's not about you, it's about molding you into the person he wants you to be and there's an ultimate purpose that we may not understand or see, but it's there. 

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