Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I've always been one of those souls in the world that has an immense amount of wanderlust. Thankfully, the love-of-my-life (my husband), shares this quality with me. 

For those of you who don't know me, but are following my blog, I grew up in a very small town of less than 5,000 people in southern Ohio until mid-high school.  My parents then moved about 45 minutes away from our old house, to a city that roughly has a population of 25,000 people.  Needless to say, until I went to college at Ohio State, studied abroad in Italy, and then moved to Chicago post college to work at my first job in Human Resources, I was a small town gal.  Today, I would still say some small town qualities resonate within me, from loving the countryside, understanding the importance of local goods vs. imported, to appreciating a good pair of boots. But, I will admit, throughout my childhood I would watch the travel channel, read National Geographic in awe, & be excited to go to Geography class, all due to the immense amount of wanderlust that fuels inside of me. 

As an adult, I promised myself that I would engage in new experiences frequently, meet new people, and explore new locales. So, my husband & I started annually planning a 'yearly trip list' which includes our annual family vacation + smaller weekend get-a-ways, that are a nice refresher to the day-to-day work life.  

Moving to a new state & city is leaving us with quite the list of places we want to visit & check out!  I have to keep telling myself, we have plenty of time because there's no way we can squeeze it all into 2013. 

Our 'big' annual trip this year is going to be France, Czech Republic, & Belgium in mid-August.  I can't believe it's only 5 months away, I feel like time is creeping up on us and we need to start planning & soon!  When visiting a foreign country, let alone 3 of them, there's a lot of coordination and planning that needs to be researched. 

Are there any specific suggestions any of my blog reader's have of places to check out in France, Czech Republic or Belgium? Also, I would love to hear from you to see where you are planning on going this year for vacation!  Leave a comment below & I'll definitely get back with you xx

Cheers to Winter almost being over & for Vacations being right around the corner! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You absolutely need to check out the clock & castle in Prague. Two of the tops must see things! PS: I LOVE YOUR BLOG! ~Rachel